
Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)

We bring a comprehensive sequencing solution using the NGS method, designed with maximum efficiency and ease of use in mind. 

User-friendly and intuitive software, diagnostic panels for DNA, RNA analysis, fast service and the perfect know-how of our application specialists - a revolution in the speed of laboratory diagnostics and the availability of personalized medicine.

Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)

Molecular diagnostics is the most rapidly growing segment of the in vitro diagnostic market with next generation sequencing (NGS) providing the major technological platform for the state-of-the-art genomic screening of patient samples. NGS coupled with downstream bioinformatic analyses allows for the high-throughput detection of altered genomic regions, providing a wealth of clinically relevant data, which facilitates personalized precision medicine.

During the laboratory workflow, pooling of NGS libraries prepared from multiple individual samples is followed by massive parallel sequencing, which generates millions to billions of sequencing reads, thus producing a large amount of data for computational processing and bioinformatic analysis.  

To support our customers’ diagnostic workflows, we provide end-to-end solutions consisting of a streamlined wet lab protocol combined with an easy-to-use intuitive bioinformatic analysis suite. 

Oncology gene panels

The ViennaLab NGS gene panels are designed for diagnostic and research laboratories focusing on oncology and aiming to identify germline and somatic aberrations with clinical relevance in biopsy specimens. High-quality libraries are generated by a hybrid-capture target enrichment protocol and can be sequenced on various Illumina instruments. Investigators can perform secondary and tertiary analyses on their own by using our webtool equipped with interactive graphical user interface and optimized, ready-to-use bioinformatic pipelines (included in the kit price).

More about oncology gene panels

Microbiome analysis

Composition and diversity of the human gut microbiome have been linked to a wide range of phenotypes in health and disease. Targeted sequencing of the variable regions in the 16S rRNA gene provides a rapid and easy way to assess the bacterial composition in the human intestine. The ViennaLab 16S Microbiome NGS Assay in conjunction with the ViennaLab Microbiome Analysis Webtool offers a powerful end-to-end solution combining library preparation and bioinformatic analysis. Diversity statistics, informative summary tables and graphical output are generated to facilitate the rapid review and comprehensive evaluation of the bacterial composition in the analyzed samples.

NGS products for intestinal microbiome analysis


Personalised therapy can provide an opportunity for patients with various types of cancer to prolong and improve their quality of life. Knowledge about the mutation status of KRAS, NRAS, BRAF, EGFR, H3F3A, IDH 1/2, POLE/CTNNB1, BCR::ABL1 etc. genes is required to indicate the proper treatment of metastatic carcinomas and to assess the disease prognosis. BioVendor developed user friendly diagnostic NGS kits with excellent analytical parameters and extremely fast processing for laboratories of any size. The fastGEN technology is simple, ultra-sensitive, specific and effective - it is perfectly adapted to diagnostics. With ready-to-use reagents, a user-friendly workflow and all-in-one solution for the analysis of raw data offers fastGEN technology new advantages for clinical material. 

More about fastGEN


Personalized therapy offers new possibilities for targeted treatment and improved prognosis for patients with oncological and genetic diseases. The epicGEN technology enables precise and efficient analysis of gene mutation status, which is crucial for accurate therapy indication and disease progression assessment.

BioVendor provides user-friendly epicGEN NGS panels, which excel in maximum accuracy and high sensitivity. Thanks to optimized probes, they ensure uniform coverage of target regions, allowing reliable detection of genetic variants.

The epicGEN technology is designed for fast and easy implementation—it is fully compatible with common sequencing platforms and does not require any special equipment. With ready-to-use reagents, an intuitive workflow, and a comprehensive bioinformatics solution, it offers new opportunities for modern diagnostics.

More about epicGEN panels


Bioinformatic analysis software: GENOVESA

The analysis of genetic NGS data can be a daunting task that often requires specialized computing skills by the user. We have developed our proprietary web-based bioinformatic analysis software – GENOVESA as an effortless solution for everyone.  

GENOVESA is intuitive and easy to use. For beginners in NGS analysis, it allows a quick and easy generation of relevant information of their NGS data, without the need of their own dedicated bioinformatic experts. On the other hand, GENOVESA allows experienced users to adjust and modify parameters, use complex filtering rules, and visually evaluate variants at the individual reading level.  

GENOVESA is an essential part of the ViennaLab NGS Assays and is included with every kit purchase, such as the Hereditary Cancer NGS Assay, the Somatic Mutations NGS Assay and the CES NGS Assay.  

GENOVESA is an essential part of the fastGEN kits and is included with every kit purchase, such as fastGEN Solid Cancer kit, fastGEN Lung Cancer kit, fastGEN Brain Cancer kit, fastGEN POLE/CTNNB1 Cancer kit etc.  

GENOVESA is a cloud-based Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) software that prioritizes data security through HTTPS encryption. We do not rely on third-party providers like Google or Amazon; instead, we host your data in our secure data center located in Prague, Czech Republic. Rest assured, we strictly protect patient sequencing data. We also do not collect any sensitive patient data - in GENOVESA it is possible upload only FASTQ files.

Key features:


Are you interested in more?

Contact our product manager.

Birgit Altenbacher, Ph.D.
Marketing Manager

+43 1 8120156

Birgit Luef, Ph.D. - Marketing Manager for NGS, BioVendor Group
Are you interested in more?

Contact our product manager.

Iveta Tóthová, Ph.D.
Product & Scientific Manager

+420 724 873 015

Iveta Tóthová, Ph.D.

Other Projects



A new generation of a unique immunoblot test for effective multiplex diagnostics. 

Microtiter plate technology paves the way for automation and high throughput of testing. The combination of a reader and advanced software provides comprehensive results and the possibility of connecting to a laboratory information system.

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microRNAs represent the most progressive group of diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers. 

A wide range of expression panels and targeted measurements for individual miRNAs on the principle of immunoblot or qPCR opens up new possibilities for the diagnosis of serious pathologies. Where traditional tests end, miRNA begins.

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Fully automated CLIA solution.

An attractive portfolio of innovative and established diagnostic parameters combined with a state-of-the-art CLIA analyzer forms a comprehensive, fully automated system for any diagnostic laboratory. Versatile, fast, smooth, intuitive - this is the CLIA solution by BioVendor Group.

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Revolution in area testing.  

LAMP (Loop Mediated Isothermal Amplification) is a highly sensitive, reliable, fast and efficient method of nucleic acid amplification and detection. Kits based on the LAMP principle can be applied directly to the primary sample, swab in a suitable medium, and thus reduce handling steps. Results are available within 30-40 minutes.

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